





 Hello Mr Taruki,

My name is ....... .......... and I'm living in Paris France. I love golf and I'm a fan of your Golf youtube channel. Unfortunately I do not speak Japanese and it is therefore hard sometimes to follow your instructions.
I am very Interested on the swing you are teaching and I was wondering if you have any instructions/video in English or do any online lessons.

I would be very happy to receive your reply,

best regards
 ............   ..................





私の名前は、、、、 、、、、、、です。フランスのパリに住んでいます。 私はゴルフが大好きで、あなたのゴルフYouTubeチャンネルのファンです。 残念ながら私は日本語が話せないので、指示に従うのが難しい場合があります。









Honorable Mr Takaaki Taruki,

thank you so much for your prompt reply to my e-mail.

Please let me introduce myself; I'm 56 years old and I love golf. I play of a 4 handicap and I also have 2 boys (16 and 14 years old) playing golf of +1,5 and 3 handicaps also. 
I never liked the conventional golf instruction as it does not really uses the right arm/hand which is a major source of power. I've been studying golf technique and was looking for years for a method like yours. When I started looking in Japanese youtube sites I immediately found your site and really loved the way and the content/method of your are teaching !

I have watched more of your videos and try to understand by using the youtube automatic translation which really does not work so well :) So thank you so much for your proposal to create a video in English. 

I would eventually be interested on online lessons if they are available. Could you please let me know the tuition fees once you decide? Also before starting the online lessons would you consider to provide a guiding video on your method's points to consider?

Thank you so much Mr Takaaki Taruki, 
Congratulations again for your work and please continue your great work and keep up posting your instructional videos.Golf world should be open to a golf swing that produces power and precision using the natural movements/levers and it is easy for the body, 

with best regards
















すばらしい仕事を続けて、教育ビデオを投稿し続けてください。身体に優しく/自然な動きでパワーと精度を生み出すゴルフスイング で、ゴルフの世界は開かれているべきです 







Hello Mr Takaaki Taruki


thank you for your e-mail and your post on your block. I've read it using google translation and thank you for your sensibility to do the effort for all of us that unfortunately do not speak Japanese :)


For sure you can post my messages on your blog. I have also shared your youtube channel to a number of friends in USA that are interested in the type of your swing you are teaching.


with best regards






あなたの電子メールとあなたのブロックへのあなたの投稿に感謝します。 私はグーグル翻訳を使ってそれを読みました、そして残念ながら日本語を話さない私たち全員のために努力するあなたの感性に感謝します:)


確かにあなたはあなたのブログに私のメッセージを投稿することができます。 私はまた、あなたが教えているあなたのスイングのタイプに興味を持っているアメリカの多くの友人にあなたのユーチューブチャンネルを共有しました。








 説明垂木プロゴルフチャネル-TARUKI PRO GOLF CHANNEL- 交通事故に遭い背骨を手術することになり「ゴルフをすることを諦めよう」とした私が過去のゴルフの常識に囚われず考え抜いて出来たのが【垂木プロの身体に優しいゴルフスイング】です。悩んでいる、困っている、ゴルフを辞めようとしている人のお役に立つことを願って動画配信させていただきます。  垂木 隆明(Takaaki Taruki)